Support Us
Sponsor our programmes, volunteer your time or donate.
Ways you can help
There are several ways you can support the organisation. We also outlined some here a few months ago.
Sponsor an event or programme
Coders of Colour have consistently run successful programmes for young people ages 11-25 (check out our 'Our Work' page). We know what the young people are interested in and need your financial support to continue running these programmes.
Volunteer your technical expertise
Do you have a skill or workshop you'd like to share with the next generation? Get in touch! We've had sessions on Machine Learning, Drawing with Code and UX/UI design. We'd love to have sessions on Cybersecurity, Unix and Game Development.
Volunteer your time
We are always happy to have people volunteering their time to help with admin, logistics or many other things. Our new and improved design was done pro-bono by Fare Studio. Whether it's design, video editing or grant writing, let us know how can help in the form below.
Check our donate page for more details.